This project tells the story of Oknel Petit, a 51-year-old man who has faced lifelong mobility challenges, culminating in complete paralysis at age 44. Despite relying on the kindness of others, Oknel dreams of regaining his independence through a self-functioning wheelchair and an accessible home. With the help of Reach 244 and generous donations, we can help make these dreams a reality, restoring his dignity and improving his quality of life.
DONATEAt 51 years old, Oknel Petit embodies resilience. Throughout his life, he has faced tremendous adversity, from growing up in poverty to battling lifelong mobility challenges. His story is one of perseverance, but also one of struggle—particularly in a world where access to healthcare and basic necessities was always out of reach.
As a child, Oknel never had the opportunity to see a doctor for his worsening condition. By the age of 44, his mobility challenges escalated to complete paralysis, leaving him with the use of only his left hand. Now, Oknel relies heavily on the kindness of family members and neighbors for his daily needs, and while their support has been invaluable, his dream is to regain his independence.
The Dream of Independence
Oknel's greatest hope is to live a life where he can once again move independently, free from the physical limitations that have shaped his world for decades. What he needs most right now is a self-functioning wheelchair—one that is tailored to his specific mobility needs and would restore some of the independence he lost. Additionally, Oknel dreams of a home built specifically for his circumstances, providing the accessibility and comfort he deserves.
How You Can Help Oknel
Through the support of Reach 244, we can turn Oknel’s dream into a reality, but we need your help to do it. Your donation will directly contribute to two key needs for Oknel:
Your Support Can Change Oknel’s Life
Oknel’s story is a powerful testament to resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. With your generosity, we can help him regain not only his independence but also his hope for a brighter future. No matter the size, your donation will play a crucial role in making Oknel’s dreams a reality.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference in Oknel’s life and continue the mission of Reach 244 to uplift those who need it most. Let’s bring hope, dignity, and independence back to this resilient man’s life.